SERVIR, a joint development initiative of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the United State Agency for International Development (USAID), works in partnership with leading regional organizations world-wide to help developing countries use information provided by Earth observing satellites and geospatial technologies for managing climate risks and land use. Decision-makers are empowered with tools, products, and services to act locally on climate-sensitive issues such as disasters, agriculture, water, ecosystems, and land use.cooperative agreement is from 2 CFR 200.24. Comprehensive transition and postsecondary program for students with intellectual disabilities means a degree, certificate, or nondegree program that-(1) Is offered by an IHE (2) Is designed to support SWIDs who are seeking toDescription.
200.512 Report submission. FEDERAL AGENCIES 200.513 Responsibilities. AUDITORS 200.514 Scope The goal of the USAID SERVIR WA 2 activity is to increase the ability of local, national, and regional institutions to apply geospatial technologies and analysis to improve decision making and management of resources to improve the resilience of countries in the region, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and ensure appropriate land use to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Subject to funding availability, USAID intends to provide between 12 million to 15 million in USAID funding contribution for one cooperative agreement per 2 CFR 200.24, and ADS 303.3.11 and 304.3.3, respectively, in response to this NOFO.
When additional time and/or funding are added to a project, SRA or FSURF will receive an official award amendment from the sponsor.For any award amendment, SRA or FSURF will request the PI’s concurrence following standard procedures. Timely Earth Observation (EO) data, maps, and predictive models can be effective tools for filling data gaps, visualizing change, understanding and managing risk, performing analysis, and considering future scenarios. SERVIR is improving awareness, increasing access to information, and supporting analysis to help people in West Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa, Hindu Kush Himalaya, the Lower Mekong, and South America manage challenges in the areas of food security, water resources, land use change, and natural disasters.80 §200.0 2 CFR Ch. II (1114 Edition) 200.510 Financial statements.
Quite often this is a fee-for-service agreement. Fixed PriceA contract/grant for which one party pays the other party a predetermined price, regardless of actual costs, for services rendered or the delivery of a final product/report. These awards may or may not require backup documentation for charges.
2 Cfr 200.24 Full Cost Incurred
Letter of CreditA payment mechanism that allows FSU to request a wire transfer of cash from the federal sponsor’s treasury account to recoup costs of the sponsored project. These projects are billed based on the fixed billing schedule, but at the end of the award any unspent funds, based on expenditures, will be returned to the agency. Cost-Reimbursable Fixed Billing (CRF)A contract/grant for which the sponsor pays for the full cost incurred up to an agreed-upon amount based on a fixed billing schedule. For more information, review the Fixed Price Residual Funds Policy. Unspent funds are not returned to the sponsor at the end of the award.
When the PI, Chair, and Dean sign a UFT memo, they agree to be responsible for any consequences arising from the problematic language, such as additional costs, inability to publish, and additional security measures. To request an advance, the PI will need to complete an Award Modification in RAMP.If the sponsor is unwilling to fix problematic language, SRA or FSURF will draft an unfavorable terms (UFT) memo. SRA or FSURF strongly prefer that PI’s communicate technical issues to SRA or FSURF so that SRA or FSURF can request all changes, both legal and administrative ones, as well as technical ones, of the sponsor at the same time.Issues with contract language can delay setting up a project, so SRA or FSURF recommend that the PI request an advance if contract negotiations may adversely affect a project. The PI will review the contract for any problematic technical language.
Please see FSU’s Cost Transfer Policy 7A-5.This policy applies only to cost transfers between or to sponsored projects. These transfers present an audit risk to the University, so the policy and procedures FSU has in place are an attempt to mitigate that risk. The expenditures can be payroll or non-payroll in nature.In accordance with Federal, State, and FSU regulations and guidelines, cost transfers must be completed within a reasonable time frame and include an explanation for the transfer. A cost transfer is the reassignment or transfer of charges between funding sources, whether they be sponsored or non-sponsored sources of funding. Training and Job AidsFor more information, consider completing the eSpear course Award Set-Up - ESP04In order to ensure the proper management of funds and that all costs are appropriately reflected on sponsored projects, sometimes a cost transfer is needed to correct or accurately reflect the expenditure.
The Cost Transfer Justification form will need to be completed, signed, and submitted to Sponsored Research if the charge is being moved to a sponsored project. A copy of the Ledger showing where the expenditure originally posted will need to be provided. A copy of the original receipt for the expenditure will need to be provided. The Departmental Online Journal Entry Form (DOL) must be submitted to SRA or FSURF within 90 calendar days of the end of the month in which the error occurred or within 30 calendar days of the expiration of the project. Once a cost is identified a Cost Transfer Justification Form must be completed and sent with documentation to the SRA or FSURF staff assigned to the department. Inappropriate transfers may result in expenditures being disallowed.
If you need additional pages, feel free to add them. On your Cost Transfer Justification Form provide a detailed explanation of how the expenditure benefits the project. Please be sure to complete your monthly reconciliations, this will make it easier to discover any errors that need to be corrected and allow for plenty of time to complete the cost transfer process. The Cost Transfer Justification form will need to be completed, signed, and attached to the eRDF in OMNI if the charge is being moved to a sponsored project.
The SRA Coordinator will report back to the department after this committee has met. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to provide fiscally-sound management of project expenses.SRA Post-award has a Cost Transfer Committee that meets every two weeks to evaluate and determine if the cost transfer will be allowed or denied. If expenses are being transferred to a sponsored project, there will be considerable scrutiny of the reasons for the transfer and of the justification for moving those charges.
Encumbrances are based on Approved Travel Requests. Expenses post in accordance with the FSU pay period calendar Non-Personnel Costs Departments are responsible for following applicable award guidelines for appointments. Appointments are allocated to the sponsored project via an ePAF or other appointment paperwork which flows through HR for approval.
Materials and supplies are sometimes ordered using a P-card. Items will post as an expense to the project and the encumbrance will be released when the item is received, an invoice is sent to Accounts Payable and a voucher is generated. The items will be encumbered once the requisition is fully approved and sent to OMNI via an overnight process. Requisitions for purchases are submitted through SpearMart. Expense Reports, once fully approved in Concur, will post as an expense in OMNI via an overnight process and remove the encumbrance.Materials & Supplies, Purchase Orders, etc.
Auxiliaries are self-supporting entities on campus that allow FSU to provide goods and services to departments, faculty, staff, students, and possibly the public. Per Uniform Guidance publication charges can occur after the project end date as long as they have posted before the final invoice/financial report is due. Acknowledgment of the Federal agencies support in any publication (including web pages) is also the responsibility of the investigator and must be done unless otherwise provided in the grant. Unless otherwise provided in the grant, preparation, content, editing, identification of authorship and submission for publication of significant research findings are the responsibility of the investigators, consistent with such policies and procedures as the grantee may prescribe. Publication costs for electronic and print media, including distribution, promotion, and general handling are allowable.